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General Terms and Conditions of Website Use and Privacy Policy


This website is owned by Technistone, s.r.o., Business ID: 25932080, with its registered office at Bratří Štefanů 1070/75a, Slezské Předměstí, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic,  incorporated in the Companies Register under File Ref. C 47781, kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové (hereinafter the ‘COMPANY’).

The COMPANY welcomes you to its website and invites you to carefully read the General Terms and Conditions of Website Use (hereinafter the ‘General Terms of Use’), which describe the terms and conditions of website browsing in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Czech Republic in force. Since the COMPANY may amend these General Terms of Use in the future, we recommend that you check the wording hereof from time to time to ensure that you are aware of and observe all the changes made.

To ensure that this website is used in accordance with the criteria of transparency, intelligibility and simplicity, the COMPANY hereby informs its Users that any and all proposals, doubts or questions concerning these General Terms of Use will be received and handled by competent personnel of the COMPANY at the following e-mail address: marketing@technistone.cz.

1. Purpose

The COMPANY makes its content and services available at this website in accordance with these General Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. When accessing this website and using any parts thereof, you have the status of ‘User’ and, by doing so, you unconditionally accept any single term and condition of these General Terms of Use. The COMPANY reserves a right to change these General Terms of Use at any time. Every User is responsible for perusing these General Terms of Use every time they access this website. If they disagree with any of the terms or conditions defined in this document, they should refrain from using this website. By using this website, every User confirms that they agree with and understand these General Terms of Use.

Users are furthermore informed that, on certain occasions, special conditions may be defined for the use of specific content and/or services. The use of such content or services requires the acceptance of specific terms and conditions defined in this document.

2. Services

By means of its website, the COMPANY gives Users the chance to access information about the COMPANY, its contact details, products and services, prices, commercial offers, location, contact section for making queries by submitting personal data, and links to social media (hereinafter the ‘Services’).

3. Website Users’ Obligations and Responsibilities

The User hereby agrees to:

(a)           Use the website and its content and services in an appropriate and lawful manner in accordance with:

(i)            the legislation in force at the time of use;

(ii)           General Terms and Conditions of Website Use;

(iii)          moral standards and generally acknowledged and proven procedures, and

(iv)          the public order.

(b)           Access the website by means of the necessary technical means and hardware.

(c)           State true information when completing personal data forms integrated in the website and to update their personal data without undue delay so as to ensure that the personal data always reflects the User’s actual situation. Users are exclusively liable for any incorrect or inaccurate disclosures that they may make, and will be held liable for any damage incurred by the COMPANY or third parties due to the information provided by them in such a manner.

(d) In view of the provisions of the previous paragraph, Users are furthermore required to refrain from:

(i)            Using the website and/or its content in a fraudulent or unauthorized manner for illegal purposes or effects that are forbidden by these General Terms of Use and that might infringe the rights and interests of third parties or that might in any manner whatsoever damage, cause unnecessary overload or prevent the normal use of services or documents, files and all of the content stored on any computer hardware;

(ii)           Accessing or trying to access limited resources or sections of the website without meeting the conditions required for such access;

(iii)          Causing physical damage or damage to the logical systems of the COMPANY’s website or websites belonging to their providers or third parties;

(iv)          Spreading or propagating computer viruses or other physical and logical systems on the web, which might cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the COMPANY, its providers or third parties;

(v)           Attempting to make accessible, use and/or manipulate information that belongs to the COMPANY, third party providers or other Users;

(vi)          Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access by means of any form of public communication, change or modify the content of this website unless a relevant consent has been granted by holders of the relevant rights, or if the law forbids such actions;

(vii)         Removing, hiding or manipulating with notes on copyright or industrial property rights and other details identifying the rights of the COMPANY or third parties, which form a part of the website content, and any technical protection devices or information mechanisms that may be referred to in the content;

(viii)        Acquiring or attempting to acquire the content by means of procedures or processes other than those that are, depending on the given case, available for this purpose or that have been explicitly mentioned in the context of the website content or processes generally available and commonly used on the web to prevent the risk of damage to or the impossibility to use the website and/or its content;

(ix)          In particular, as an example and without being limited to, the User undertakes not to provide, disseminate or make accessible to third parties any information, data, content, messages, graphic elements, drawings, audio and/or video files, photographs, recordings, software and generally any materials that:

1.            Could in a certain sense be controversial, show a lack of respect or breach fundamental public rights and freedoms recognized by the Constitution, international treaties and any and all other laws and regulations in force;

2.            Incite or promote criminal, abhorrent, derogatory or violent acts or that generally violate the law, moral standards, generally acknowledged and proven procedures or the public order;

3.            Incite or promote discriminatory conduct, attitude or ideas based on gender, race, religion, beliefs, age or status;

4.            Include, make available or enable access to criminal, violent, derogatory, harmful or humiliating products, elements, messages and/or services or those that are generally against the law, moral standards and generally acknowledged and proven procedures or the public order;

5.            Stimulate or may lead to an unacceptable condition of anxiety or fear;

6.            Incite or stimulate people to engage in practices that are dangerous, risky or harmful to their health or mental balance;

7.            Are protected by the law in respect of intellectual or industrial property owned by the COMPANY or third parties unless authorized use is permitted;

8.            Are inconsistent with personal integrity, personal or family protection or personal rights;

9.            Represent any form of publicity;

10.          Contain viruses or malware that prevent normal use of the website.

(e)           If passwords are provided that allow Users to access the website services and/or content, the Users shall carefully use such passwords and keep them confidential. Due to this fact, Users are responsible for their reasonable care and confidentiality and undertake not to disclose such passwords to any other persons, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, and not to grant any other persons access to the aforementioned services and/or content. Analogously, they shall inform the COMPANY about any conduct or circumstances that might lead to misuse of their passwords, such as theft, loss, unauthorized access or otherwise, so that the password can be immediately cancelled. Until the aforementioned notification has been sent, the COMPANY will be free of any and all liability arising from any password misuse and the User shall be held fully liable for any illegal use of the website content and/or services by unauthorized third parties.

(f)            In the case of negligent or deliberate breach by the User of the obligations defined in these General Terms of Use, the User will be held fully liable for any and all loss and damage incurred by the COMPANY due to such a breach.

4.  Disclaimer

(a)           The COMPANY cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to or proper displaying, downloading or use of elements and information contained on the website pages as there may be difficulties or downtimes due to factors or circumstances beyond the COMPANY’s control.

(b)           The COMPANY cannot be held responsible for decisions made on the basis of accessing the content or information provided.

(c)           The COMPANY may interrupt its service or immediately cancel its relationship with a User if it establishes that the User has used its website or any other service offered by the COMPANY in a manner inconsistent with these General Terms of Use. The COMPANY refuses to be held liable for any damage, loss, claims or costs incurred by Users in connection with their use of this website. The COMPANY accepts only its obligation to remove any content that might cause such damage as soon as possible, in all cases in this respect after a notification. In particular, the COMPANY cannot be held liable for any damage caused, among other things, by:

(i)            Interference, interruption, failure, outage, mobile phone failure, delay, blocking or disconnection that affect the operation of electronic systems due to defects, overload and/or faults in telecommunication lines and networks or due to any causes beyond the COMPANY’s control;

(ii)           Illegal interference caused by the use of malware and any communication channel, such as computer viruses or other similar elements;

(iii)          Misuse or improper use of this website;

(iv)          Security-related errors or browsing faults due to the browser’s malfunction or the use of older browser versions. The COMPANY’s management reserves the right to withdraw any and all content and/or information contained on the website or any part thereof.

(d)           The COMPANY refuses to accept any liability for damage that might be caused by improper use of the services made freely available to and used by the website Users. The COMPANY also refuses to accept any liability for the content of and information acquired by means of data forms that are provided solely for the purpose of answering questions. Furthermore, in the case of loss and/or damage caused due to unauthorized or incorrect use of these services, the COMPANY may lodge a petition against the User for any loss or damage incurred.

(e)           The COMPANY shall be indemnified and kept safe, compensated for any loss or damage arising from claims, petitions or lawsuits filed by third parties due to the use of the website. Moreover, the User undertakes to indemnify the COMPANY for any and all damage or loss arising from the use of ‘bots’, ‘spiders’, ‘crawlers’ or analogous tools for the purpose of acquiring or extracting data or for any other actions that may cause an unreasonable load in respect of the website traffic.

5. Industrial and Intellectual Property

(a)           The User acknowledges and agrees that any and all content displayed on this website – in particular designs, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, brand names, trademarks and all other marks, including their differentiating marks for industrial and/or business purposes, are subject to intellectual property rights, and any and all industrial and intellectual property rights pertaining to the content and/or other elements stored on the website represent the exclusive property of the COMPANY and/or third parties, which have the exclusive right to use them in commercial relationships. In view of the aforementioned facts, the User undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute, offer or otherwise publicly disclose, convert or modify such content, and to observe the COMPANY’s rules in respect of all claims arising from a breach of these obligations. In no case may any access to the website mean any kind of waiver, transfer, change of license to, full or partial assignment of these rights unless explicitly stated otherwise. These General Terms and Conditions of Website Use do not grant Users any other right to use, change, utilize, reproduce, distribute or disclose the website and/or its content except for the rights defined herein. Any other use or utilization of these rights is subject to a prior explicit authorization by the COMPANY or third party that is explicitly authorized for this purpose.

(b)           The content, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, software, source codes and generally all intellectual creations on this website and on the web as a whole are, as multimedia works of art, subject to copyright pursuant to the intellectual property protection legislation. The COMPANY owns the elements that form a part of the website graphic design, menus, browsing controls, HTML codes, texts, images, graphic elements and all other content of the website or is in all cases the holder of a relevant license or right to use these elements. The website content may not be copied in part or in whole, transmitted or recorded using an information acquisition system in any form or on any media without the COMPANY’s prior written consent.

(c)           It is furthermore forbidden to remove, exclude and/or manipulate “copyright” and technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that are incorporated in the content. The website Users agree to respect all of the above rights and to avoid any actions that might jeopardize them. In any case, the COMPANY has the right to take any and all legal steps and actions to protect its statutory intellectual and industrial property rights.

6. Personal Data Processing and Protection

(a)           If you wish to use any service on this website, Users first need to disclose their personal data. In this respect, the COMPANY processes such personal data that is consistent with the personal data protection legislation and the regulations implementing the same.

(b)           This website is owned by Technistone,s.r.o., Business ID: 25932080, with its registered office at Bratří Štefanů 1070/75a, Slezské Předměstí, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, incorporated in the Companies Register under File Ref. C 47781, kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové.

(c)           The COMPANY guarantees to its website Users that all User personal data disclosed on the website will be protected, and in accordance with the requirements of the applicable personal data protection legislation and the regulations implementing the same and hereby informs Users that:

(i)            All personal data provided to the COMPANY is processed in accordance with the applicable laws and implementing regulations and is stored in an internal database created and maintained by the COMPANY;

(ii)           Personal data is collected for the following purposes: To ensure that the requested services or products are properly provided to customers and prospective customers:

  1. for administration, study and query handling purposes, and
  2. to distribute advertising and commercial correspondence by e-mail that pertains to the COMPANY, its activities, products, services and documents of various nature;

(iii)          Adequate security measures have been adopted for personal data acquisition and processing to prevent any loss of, unauthorized access to, or manipulation with such personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation and the relevant implementing regulations;

(iv)          The COMPANY undertakes to present the User any and all confidential information to which it has access if the User requests so. The COMPANY does not process personal data that the User has provided for the purpose of receiving any other services than those described in Article 6(c)(ii) hereof;

(v)           Users declare to be over 16 years of age and of legal capacity to agree with the processing of their personal data in accordance with Personal Data Processing and Protection terms and conditions;

(vi)         Users may at any time exercise their rights to access their personal data, have it corrected or deleted and to withdraw their consent for any of the aforementioned purposes of data processing by sending a signed request to the aforementioned registered address of the COMPANY or by sending an e-mail message to: marketing@technistone.cz, with clearly stated contact details and a photocopy of their personal ID card / tax identification for the COMPANY or of any other document that can be used for their identification.

(vii)        Users grant consent to the processing of their personal data disclosed on the COMPANY’s website under the defined terms and conditions.


(i)           Identification and contact details, which may specifically include, your name and surname, billing or delivery address, company ID No., VAT number and telephone number. In case of website registration, this information may also include a username and password. This data allows a clear assignment of a contract or other requirement to your person and contact with you.

(ii)           Settings and preferences, including your newsletter settings, cookies settings, participation in competitions, or surveys.

(iii)          Behavioural information on the website, primarily information about displayed products and the choices made, information on the device used, system or browser data, IP address, or the derived location, including data obtained through the use of cookies.

(iv)          Behavioural information when viewing a newsletter and other messages, especially data about the reading time, the used equipment and possibly the choice made.

(v)           The information you provide when using our contacts, i.e., the information you provide through the contact forms on the website and during telephone or other communication with the Technistone staff.


(i)           Technistone only uses your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected, based on your consent, or for any other legitimate reason.

(ii)           Creating registration and administration of your profile

  1. If you want to register in the partner section of the website at www.parnters.technistone.cz, you will be asked to provide your name, surname, address, and e-mail address. You will then be given access to your profile using your username and password. In this case, data processing takes place based on your request for access to the partner section as a performance of a contract that is concluded with you by setting up a profile. No consent is required for processing. In connection with profile management, you may also receive e-mail or other communications that do not constitute a commercial communication. Without providing personal information, the profile cannot be established.
  2. For this purpose, Technistone processes personal data for the duration of a profile existence that can be deleted at any time by your request.
  3. Newsletter, contests, and marketing surveys

(iii)          When sending a newsletter, Technistone uses your email address, which you enter in the suitable field on your website where you will display it, and you then confirm your interest in its subscription; by responding to the email sent to you by Technistone and you hereby agree to the processing of your personal data. The consent is voluntary and its non-acceptance does not limit the use of other website features. You can revoke your consent at any time by clicking through the footer of each newsletter that you receive, or by using any of the Technistone contacts included in these terms and conditions.

(iv)          Processing is only allowed for the duration of your consent. To keep the newsletter interesting for you, Technistone will check every 5 years if you are still interested in it being sent to you.

(v)           In the case of competition announcements and when conducting marketing surveys, Technistone only handles the personal data of those persons who voluntarily express interest in their participation, thereby granting Technistone the consent to process the identification and contact details that they will fill out when they enter the competition.

(vi)          Processing is only possible for the duration of your consent or until the evaluation of the competition and the marketing survey is made.

(vii)         Offer of related products

  1. In the case of current or former customers, Technistone may, on the basis of realising its legitimate interest in direct marketing, send business communications without your consent.
  2. These business communications include a presentation of related products that you have previously ordered or purchased with Technistone.
  3. You may withdraw from these sales communications at any time by clicking through the footer of any such communication sent by e-mail, or you may object to such processing through the contacts included in these rules. This objection will terminate the sending of business communications.

(viii)        The processing of personal data lasts for a maximum of 5 years from the termination of the business relationship between the customer and Technistone, typically from the moment the customer is fully paid for the delivered product.

(ix)          Customer reference

  1. Subject to a special agreement between you and Technistone, information on your experience with Technistone products, including your commentary or Technistone product photos located in your premises, may only be disclosed with your permission.
  2. The precise scope of the published information and other terms and conditions are individually agreed with Technistone.
  3. Information may be published, in particular, on the Technistone website, Technistone profiles on social networks or other media.
  4. The processing of personal data contained in the references only takes place until the revocation of the consent or the time you agree with Technistone.

(x)           Cookies and increasing website quality

  1. When you visit the Technistone website, small cookies can be stored and saved to your device. Websites use both their own and third-party cookies to provide user-friendly site behaviour, product presentation enhancements, customisation, and easier site searching and editing based on the preferences and behaviour of their visitors.
  2. The use of cookies takes place on the basis of a legitimate interest in improving the Technistone website, i.e., without consent, in accordance with the terms and conditions below.
  3. Information obtained through cookies may be attributed to Technistone for additional information, in particular about your behaviour on the website, the device, system or browser you are using.

(xi)          Other personal data processing

  1. Beyond the stated purposes and times, Technistone may only process personal data in accordance with legal regulations, for example, for the purposes of its legitimate interests or to comply with the statutory obligation, particularly in the context of accounting or tax regulations.


(i)           If you lose interest in receiving newsletters or other business communications, you can cancel them by clicking on the footer of the suitable e-mail, after which you will be deleted from this feature and stop receiving business communications.

(ii)           You can also revoke your consent (with the newsletter) or object to the processing of your contact information (for other business communications) by making a simple communication through one of the contacts included in these rules. This communication does not require any special form.


(i)           Personal data is processed by Technistone and its staff for all of the purposes mentioned herein, when Technistone acts as an administrator. All persons at Technistone are required to comply with the confidentiality obligation of personal information disclosed to them.

(ii)           Technistone may also transfer personal information to entities that are in the position of administrator or processor. These entities are, in particular:

  1. Entities providing Technistone with editing or assembling of products;
  2. Digital and PR, HR agencies;
  3. External partners providing the content of Technistone communications, especially bloggers and copywriters;
  4. Companies responsible for the implementation and management of fairs and exhibitions;
  5. Suppliers and manufacturers of tangible or intangible assets (graphics and SW) for the marketing communication of Technistone
  6. Providers of media (TV, radio) and non-media (online, SMS, mailing, competition, advertising, printing, sponsoring) communication of Technistone

(h)          USER’S RIGHTS

In connection with the processing of personal data, you may contact Technistone at any time through the contacts included in these terms and conditions and exercise the following rights:

  1. Right to information regarding the processing of personal data

Note: If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data and cannot find the relevant information in these rules, Technistone will provide you with an explanation or any additional information.

  1. Access to personal data
    1. When exercising your right to access personal data, Technistone will provide you with information about what data it processes, for which purpose and timing of the personal data being collected, and other information about the handling of these data or rights that you may exercise towards Technistone. 
  2. Right to modification of personal data
    1. If you find that personal data is processed in an inaccurate form or is incomplete, Technistone will make the necessary corrections.
  3. Right to the deletion of personal data
    1. If you meet the conditions, you have the right to have personal data deleted. Technistone will proceed with its erasure if the personal data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it is processed, or if you revoke consent to the processing of personal data, or object to the processing of such data on the basis of a legitimate interest, and such data cannot be processed by Technistone for any other reason.
    2. The deletion of personal data will also occur if it is confirmed that Technistone processes personal data contrary to the law.
    3. By exercising this right, Technistone will first ascertain whether the conditions for deletion of your personal data are met and, if applicable, your data will be completely or partially deleted.
  4. Right to restricted processing
    1. If you meet the conditions, you may also request restrictions in the processing of your personal information.
    2. Technistone will restrict its processing if the accuracy of personal data is denied, the processing is done without due legal reason, the processing of personal data is not necessary for the specified purposes, or a person objects to the processing of personal data.
    3. Restrictions on the processing of personal data are generally temporary and will persist until Technistone discovers the conditions for their further processing or eventually corrects it.
  5. Right to transfer Data
    1. You may request the transfer of personal data with Technistone in respect of personal data you have provided to Technistone, which is processed in an automated way on the basis of your consent or under contract.
    2. By exercising this right, Technistone will transfer your personal data in a commonly used format to you or to another administrator of your choice.
  6. Right to object to processing
    1. If personal data is processed on the basis of Technistone's appropriate interest, you have the right to object to such processing.
    2. If there is no material reason on the part of Technistone for further processing, the processing will be terminated on the basis of a legitimate interest.
  7. Right to file a complaint
    1. If you believe that Technistone processes personal data in violation of your privacy rights or right to protect personal life, you may always request explanation and removal of such status from Technistone.
    2. You also have the opportunity to address your complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection at any time.
  8. You can claim all rights through the contacts included in these rules.


  1. Technistone is responsible for the security of your data under its care.
  2. The handling of personal data is in full compliance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  3. Technistone places great emphasis on the technical and organisational security of the processed data when processing personal data.
  4. Personal data is normally stored in databases and systems only accessible to persons who need to access this data for the purposes specified in these terms and conditions, and only to the extent necessary.
  5. Technistone tests personal data security, and the protection thereof is constantly improved.


EFFECTIVE          25 May 2018

LAST UPDATED 03 January 2022


7.  Cookies

(a) Use of website cookies and web page errors

The COMPANY’s website uses its own and third-party cookies to improve its services, adapt to and make the Users’ search effort easier based on their preferences and to analyze their browsing habits.

The website, including the company's affiliated servers, has Cookies disabled by default. The exception to this is files that are necessary to ensure proper functionality and improve the user interface. The visitor to the website has the option to choose which cookies can be enabled or disabled. This functionality is provided by the CookieYes tool, which aims to allow free and arbitrary setting of Cookies for all visitors to the company’s website. The following data is collected for the purpose of collecting consent for the setting of Cookies: IP address, GPS location, date of acceptance and current status of acceptance.

These cookies are connected with anonymous Users and their computer only and do not contain any links that would make it possible to disclose the User’s personal data in the public. Users may configure their browsers to alert them and/or to refuse the installation of cookies sent by the COMPANY’s websites, all without depriving Users of their chance to access the website content. However, please be informed that in such a case the operating quality of the website may in all cases be reduced.

(b) Type, purpose and functions of cookies

Depending on their duration, cookies may be either session or permanent cookies. Session cookies expire when the User closes their browser. Permanent cookies expire once the objective has been attained for which they have been created, or if they are manually deleted.

CUSTOM COOKIES: This type of cookie remembers your tool preferences in these services, which means that you do not need to change the service settings every time you visit our website. This type of cookie includes, for example, the following elements:

Selected language, Browser type, Transmission speed that is compatible with your browser

GEOLOCATION COOKIES: These cookies help us determine which country you are located in when requesting a service. This cookie is completely anonymous and is only used to adapt the content to your location by means of regional configuration, from which you access the service.

REGISTRATION COOKIES: Registration cookies are generated after User registration or after a User opens a session, and are used to identify the User of services with the following objectives:

To ensure that the User is identified; when the User closes a service, browser or shuts down their computer and then, later on (may be on another day) returns to the service, the User will still be identified, which will make their browsing easier and they do not need to identify themselves again. Every User may disable this feature by clicking on the ‘Close session’ button to exclude the cookies; in such a case, when the User returns to the service, they will have to restart the session in order to be identified.

To check whether the User is authorized to access certain services; e.g., to participate in a contest.

Moreover, some services may use elements that connect to social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter. If a User registers for a service with social media authorization, they allow such social media to save a permanent cookie on their computer, which remembers the User’s identity and guarantees them access to the services until the access right expires. The User may delete the cookie and disable access to the services by means of social media by updating their preferences in a particular social media platform.

ANALYTICAL COOKIES: Every time a User visits an online service, a tool from an external provider (Google and the like, which may be added to this list if different from the existing ones) will create an analytical cookie in the User’s computer. This cookie file, generated only for the duration of the website visit, will be used in the subsequent visits of the COMPANY’s services for the purpose of the User’s anonymous identification. The primary purposes of this are listed below:

Allow the anonymous identification of browsers by means of cookies (they identify the browser and the device, not the User); therefore, they perform an approximate calculation of the number of visits and their trends over time.

Anonymously identify content that is most frequently visited and most attractive for Users.

Establish whether the User is accessing the website for the first time or if it is a repeated visit.

Important: If a User decides not to register for an online service of the COMPANY, the cookies will never be associated with any personal data that could identify the User. These cookies will be used only for statistical purposes, which helps us optimize the website browsing experience for Users. The COMPANY does not use any advertising cookies or promotional cookies related to the User’s behaviour.

(c) How to disable cookies in mainstream browsers

Generally, it is possible to refuse to accept browser cookies or specific online service cookies.

All modern browsers allow Users to change the settings of cookies. These settings are usually accessible through the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ in the browser’s menu bar.

The COMPANY provides information to Users on how to access the cookie settings or configuration option and, if necessary, how to browse ‘anonymously’ for each of the mainstream browsers:

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, please refer to Microsoft support or to the browser’s Help section.
Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy and Security -> History -> User Settings. For more information, please refer to Mozilla support or to the browser’s Help section.
Chrome: Settings -> Display Advanced Options -> Privacy -> Content Settings. For more information, please refer to Google support or to the browser’s Help section.
Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, please refer to Apple support or to the browser’s Help section.

There are other online tools available that allow Users to discern and disable cookies on every web page that they visit. The COMPANY refuses any and all liability for the content and verity of third-party privacy policies incorporated in this cookie policy. If you have any concerns regarding our cookie policy, please contact our COMPANY at info@technistone.cz. The COMPANY may change its website cookie policy based on legislative and regulatory requirements or to adapt the policy to regulations defined by the existing applicable legislation and its implementing regulations. For this reason, Users are advised to regularly visit our website. Whenever any major changes are made to the cookie policy, Users will be informed either by means of the website or by e-mail (registered Users only).

8.  Links

The User undertakes not to reproduce the COMPANY’s website or any of its content in any manner whatsoever, including the use of hypertext links, without the COMPANY’s explicit written consent.

The COMPANY’s website contains links to other websites maintained by third parties to make it easier for Users to access information about business partners and/or sponsors. In view of the above, the COMPANY does not accept any liability for the content of such websites and cannot be regarded as a guarantor and/or provider of such services and/or information provided to third parties by means of other links.

The User is granted a revocable, limited and non-exclusive right to create links to the website homepage only for private and non-commercial purposes. Your website containing links to the COMPANY’s website may not (i) lead others to understand that the COMPANY endorses your website or the services and/or products offered there; (ii) distort its relation to the COMPANY nor may it represent that the COMPANY has approved such links and incorporates them in its registered trademark, name, business name, logo or other brand names or references to the COMPANY; (iii) include any content that could be considered as bad, immoral, obscene, offending, controversial or promoting violence or discrimination based on gender, race or belief in violation of the public order or illegal; (iv) create links to any page of another website than the homepage; (v) create a connection with a website address without allowing the website where the link was created to reproduce the website as a part of its web content in one of its ‘frames’ or create a ‘browser’ on any website page. The COMPANY may at any time request that all links to its websites be removed, and the User will be obligated to accommodate their request without delay. The COMPANY may not check the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have created links to this website.

In view of the above, the COMPANY does not accept any liability for any aspects connected with this website.

9. Term and Termination

The services available on this website and all other services are in principle provided for an indefinite period of time. Nevertheless, the COMPANY may terminate or suspend any service on its portal. Whenever possible, the COMPANY shall announce the termination or suspension of specific services.

10. Representations and Warranties

Generally, the content and the services shown on this website are of informative nature only. This means that, while providing such services or information, the COMPANY does not provide any warranty or representation regarding the website content and services, including the warranty of lawfulness, reliability, usefulness, credibility, accuracy, negotiability etc., except for cases when such warranty representation cannot be excluded by law.

11. Force Majeure

The COMPANY refuses to be held liable in all cases when a service cannot be provided due to extended power outages or failures of telecommunication lines, social conflicts, strikes, riots, explosion, flood, inundation, actions or failure to act on the part of the government and, generally, in any act of force majeure or incidental event.

12. Dispute Resolution, Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions of Website Use are governed by the Czech law. Any disputes shall be resolved under the Czech legislation in force.
Should any clause of these General Terms and Conditions of Website Use be considered unenforceable or void under the law in force or due to court rulings or administrative orders, then this unenforceability or invalidity shall not render the entire General Terms and Conditions of Website Use unenforceable or void as a whole. In such cases, the COMPANY shall change or replace the unenforceable clause with a different, enforceable clause that achieves the purpose and objective of the original clause to the maximum extent possible.

13. Contact Details and Information for Sending CVs

In accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation and its implementing regulations, please be informed that your personal data will be included in a file owned by Technistone, s.r.o., Business ID: 25932080, with its registered office at Bratří Štefanů 1070/75a, Slezské Předměstí, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, incorporated in the Companies Register kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové. The data will be used for the potential processing of data of persons who, based on their profile and characteristics are among suitable candidates for employment and management. Such data will be stored for the purpose of future employee recruitment and selection. By submitting the form with your personal data, you grant us your explicit, specific and unambiguous consent with such personal data processing. You are informed in detail that you can exercise your right to access your data, have it corrected, erased or limited in terms of processing, as required by the legislation in force, and you can also withdraw your consent in writing by sending a relevant notice to the aforementioned address or an e-mail message to info@technistone.cz. Such a request should contain the following details: name and surname of the person whose personal data has been acquired, the company to which it belongs, address for notification, photocopy of their personal ID card, and the requested action. If asking by means of a representative, the person shall provide a certified copy of its personal ID card.

14. Contact Details

In accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation and its implementing regulations, Business ID: 25932080, with its registered office at Bratří Štefanů 1070/75a, Slezské Předměstí, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, incorporated in the Companies Register kept by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, hereby informs you that the data provided by you will be included in a mixed personal data file for which the COMPANY is responsible, which will be used for the sake of correspondence with all users and employees of the COMPANY. If you wish to exercise your rights to access your data, have it corrected, erased or limited in terms of processing, please send a written request to the COMPANY’s address mentioned above, attach a copy of your personal ID card or any other equivalent document that serves as a proof of identity.


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